Welcome to my blog, ladies and gentlemen. The colours were inspired by a hot dog with mustard. But not the bun. I'd like to thank a few people who made this all possible: Jenny, my lovely wife... We aren't married, but we have a cat together, so the differences are few... "Pete", from Pete's. His real name is Jeff, a.k.a. Baldy, the poutine journeyman. "Screamin" Stephen W. Hawking; it's been real, buddy... G. Love and Special Sauce; can I get a cold beverage?
So more to the point, I'd like to begin with a disclaimer that I can be a very frustrated person at times, so there's a chance that this may not read like Jane Austen for the most part. This very well may become my outlet for every thrusty stab I'd like to take at things that, for the most part, are entirely unstabbable. It seems much easier to simply complain to the internet rather than stew about something that's making me stabby.
Idea for photoshoot 1: Small room, blanket drop.. Chocolate brown, probably velvet. Model A dressed in teal nylon jumpsuit w/ peacock feathers. Model B has a tiara, and is a tiger. Model A is holding a landmine (fake or disarmed, preferably), and looking quite rattled. Model B looks like a tiger, and it's all good. Probably smoke. Depth of field shots w/ landmine. Model A rides Model B. More landmine; try w/ tiger. Queue midget.
Aaaaaand. That's a wrap..!?