How does that HAPPEN? I just can't wrap my mind around what factors would supply some blogs with tens of thousands of interested readers, while some other, equally legitimate blogs, go completely unnoticed, by EVERYBODY.
Note: I am NOT complaining about my lack of followers (which consist of my girlfriend and her friend, who no longer uses Blogger), but rather just making an interesting observation regarding the exponential increase in certain blogs' popularity for seemingly little reason.
What makes a popular blog, aside from the people that follow it?
What drives people to diligently describe their most personal thoughts to no-one that's going to read it?
The first question is one I cannot accurately theorize about. I've had too much contradictory data on the subject to make any conclusions.. ALTHOUGH, one thing that's consistent is that these blogs are always actively following and commenting on other blogs. But then the question arises, where did those other blogs come from?? Did Blog A just go and follow Blogs B through Z, regardless of their content, and hope that B-Z had enough courtesy to follow back and comment?
As far the second question goes, I have a little insight to offer, even if only based on my own personal feelings: why do I describe my most personal thoughts to no-one that's going to read it? Well, there's always the godforsaken chance that someone is just gonna "happen upon" it... SOMEONE's gotta, right? And then they'll tell all their friends, right? Right.
Well, seeing as THAT belief is completely delusional, I'm going to justify my continuing to blog by feigning digital insanity. Can't a guy just talk to himself? And then painstakingly edit and refine that conversation, with photographs and HTML??? GYA HAHAHA HAAA...
Here's a painting!
Title: WOSE
Size: Roughly 4 feet tall.
Medium: Spraybomb
Status: NFS; it's on a skateboard park.
Sorry to whoever's piece that was I covered; it was totally skated-off and just looked like shit 'cause of the wear. I invite you to bomb over mine, should you ever read this.
1 other things people said:
That is way cool! Wish I knew how to do that.
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