everybody is someone else's weirdo.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Ah, shit.

Hmmmmm... It would APPEAR as though there has been a problem with my comment field, which was just recently brought to my attention. Something wrong with the formatting wouldn't display the entire "word verification" thinger required to LEAVE comments.. SO... As of right now, I am somewhat at the mercy of HTML, which isn't co-operating (it never does), but I've chosen to REMOVE the word verification temporarily until I can wrap my mind around what is causing this.

Please, obscure internet marketing companies, don't use this as an open invitation to spam my comments. Trust me, no one reads this shit anyway. You're not getting any publicity out of it.

For the rest of you, PLEASE, just leave me a comment on this if only to let me know that it's working. This is a CRY FOR HELP.


2 other things people said:

Jena said...

Ah yes, I tried to leave a comment the other day and was unable to. I am glad to hear that it is on the mend!

wose said...

I sincerely hope I can find a more permanent solution than leaving my blog's comments open to iRape, but for now, at least it works.
Thank you for letting me know!

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